How to Manage Vue Mixins

When your Vue project starts to grow, you might find yourself copying and pasting the same data, methods, and watchers over and over again if you have similar components.

Sure — you could write all of these separate files as a single component and use props to customize them.

However, using that many props can easily get confusing and cluttered.

To avoid this daunting task, most people just continue adding duplicate code. The best Vue developers will know that there is a better solution – Vue Mixins.

The Solution – Vue Mixins

Thankfully, in Vue 2, we can use Mixins — one of the easiest ways to share reusable code between different components.

Mixin objects can use any of the component options — data, mounted, created, update, etc — and when a component uses a mixin, all of the information in the mixin object will be, well, mixed in to the component.

Then, the component has access to all of the options in the mixin as if you declared it in the component itself. This will make a lot more sense after an example.

So let's create a mixin that adds data, a lifecycle hook, and a method.

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      msg: 'Hello World',
  created: function () {
    console.log('Printing from the Mixin')
  methods: {
    displayMessage: function () {
      console.log('Now printing from a mixin function')

Then, in any Vue component, we can import this mixin and use it!

import mixin from "./mixin.js";
new Vue({
  mixins: [mixin],
  created: function () {
// => "Printing from the Mixin"
// => {msg: ‘Hello World’}
// => "Now printing from a mixin function"

As you can see, after using the mixin, the component contains all of the data in the mixin, and it is accessed by using this. You can also define the mixin using a variable instead of a separate file.

Also, it’s important to note that when using Vue lifecycle hooks, the mixin hook will be called before your component’s hook.

What happens if there’s a naming conflict?

A naming conflict between a component and its mixin can happen when there is data, methods, or any component options in the mixin that has the same name as an option in the component.

If this occurs, the property in the component itself will take precedence.

For example, if there is a title data variable in both the component and mixin — this.title would return the value defined in the component. In code, this looks like:

export default {
  data() {
    title: 'Mixin'
import mixin from './mixin.js'
export default {
   mixins: [mixin],
   data () {
      title: ‘Component’
   created: function () {
// Output: "Component"

The data from our component took precedence over the default mixin value.

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  • Fullstack Nuxt (Supabase, Drizzle, TypeScript)
  • Writing Better Vue Composables
  • Building a Nuxt Content Site

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You’re done

As with everything, there’s always more to Vue Mixins that you can learn. But this should be enough to get you started and covers a majority of use cases.

There are more advanced topics such as global mixins and custom merge setups in Vue. To learn more, you can check out the documentation for Mixins.

Happy Mixing!